IDC Spring 2020 Marketing Leadership Meeting

By IDC (other events)

Tuesday, March 3 2020 12:00 PM 8:30 PM PST

About the IDC Marketing Leadership Board Meeting

An invitation only, information rich, small group (~30 senior marketing participants) interactive event with IDC facilitated discussions on B2B marketing transformation topics. In addition to discussing tips, practices, and recommendations we also bring in innovative guest speakers to stimulate conversation.


12:00pm - Arrive and get lunch

12: 30pm - Welcome, Agenda Overview and Group Introductions

1:00pm - Session 1: Centralization vs. Decentralization: How Agile Playbooks Get You Closer to Customers while Avoiding Chaos

2:30pm - Networking Break

3:00pm - Session 2: Management Secrets from the IDC Tech Marketing Benchmark

4:30pm - Open Mic Session

5:30pm - Cocktails and Dinner

For more information please contact, Warren Lane, Research Analyst CMO Advisory.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 508-935-4393